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What You Need to Know About Kidney Stones & Passing Them

Kidney stones are something everyone dreads. They are more common than one might think, and they can be a nightmare to pass. Only those who have experienced them before know how painful they can be. Developing kidney stones is uncommon, as only 1 in about 10 people will ever experience them in their lives. Still, you have to make sure you are careful and take proper care of your body; otherwise, the risk of developing kidney stones can increase due to environmental factors.

In this blog, we will look at what exactly kidney stones are, how you can pass them, how you can avoid them, and when it’s time to see a doctor for kidney stones.

What are Kidney Stones?
When certain substances or minerals build up inside your kidneys to a certain extent, they solidify and turn into hard deposits. They form because your urine might be concentrated with said minerals and substances to the extent that your kidneys can’t purify your urine enough to get rid of them fully. There are also different kinds of kidney stones, as they can be formed with the build-up of different kinds of minerals:
Calcium Oxalate Stones
Calcium oxalate stones are the most common types of kidney stones. Calcium oxalate is usually in the foods we eat, and it is also secreted by the liver. When the consumption of calcium oxalate exceeds a certain extent, it can lead to the formation of stones. There are also certain metabolic disorders that can cause calcium oxalate kidney stones.
Struvite Stones
Struvite stones are rarer than most types of kidney stones, but they do have a chance of occurring. They can develop due to an infection you might have. The most common infection that they develop is a urinary tract infection.
Uric Acid Stones
Uric acid stones can be mainly caused by severe dehydration, a diet with high protein, or rapid fluid loss. Uric acid stones also have a genetic factor to them. So, if you have a family member that had them, then you are at increased risk of having them.
Cystine Stones
Cystine stones develop due to a hereditary disorder. They develop when your kidney is secreting an excessive amount of amino acids. If you experience kidney stones regularly without any particular reason, then you are likely to have cystine stones.

How to Pass Kidney Stones

Now, let’s talk about how to pass kidney stones. It can seem daunting, but remember, some people feel nothing at all, while some feel minor discomfort, so it isn’t necessary that you will feel the harsh pain that many feel. You should also consult Dr. Fowad to make sure that your process of passing kidney stones is as simple and painless as possible.
Stay Hydrated
Water is highly recommended in your journey of passing kidney stones. Water will keep you hydrated and, therefore, keep your urine as dilute as possible, avoiding any possible mineral or substance build-up.
Eat Diuretic Foods
Diuretic foods are used to promote the production of urine. They will keep your body hydrated and will help in easing the passage of kidney stones. Diuretic foods include asparagus, cucumbers, watermelons, etc.
When to See a Doctor
There comes a time when stones become too big to pass through conventional methods, which happens when their size exceeds 5mm. Stones below that can be passed pretty easily. But when stones become that big, they can create problems, such as hindering your ability to urinate. They can also cause heavy discomfort as they get stuck where they are. If you cannot pass a stone and are feeling these symptoms, then it is time to pick up a phone and call a doctor. They will be able to recommend a few procedures that can help remove or break down large kidney stones.
Whether you just want to get a consultation or you want to see a doctor because you can’t pass a stone and think it might be too big to pass, Dr. Fowad is the best doctor for kidney stones out there. Any help that you might need, you can come to us. So, book your appointment today!


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