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How To Avoid High Uric Acid Levels

Uric acid is a waste product in the body that is released after digestion. Foods containing high levels of purine contribute to the production of this by-product. High levels of uric acid can develop various health symptoms including pain in joints, bone stiffness, and swelling around joints.

Regular eating of foods such as meats, dried beans, sardines, and alcohol can make your uric acid levels go up. Uric acid builds up in the blood if the purine content becomes so high that it is unable to be completely filtered out by the kidneys. Certain factors make your body unable to eliminate this by-product from the system. These include genetics, obesity, and stress.

Hyperuricemia is the term used to define high uric acid levels in the blood. If you are not taking treatment for this condition, it can lead to other diseases like gout. Alternately, some diseases like diabetes, hypothyroidism, and psoriasis can become the cause of high uric levels.

Visit your consultant family physician if you have high uric acid levels. Additionally, you can follow the below-mentioned practices to avoid developing this complication.

1. Reduce Purine Rich Foods In Your Diet:

Foods that are rich in purines such as meat, vegetables, and beans result in the production of uric acid upon their digestion. As the level of uric acid increases in your system, a higher level of workload is put on your kidneys, leading to poor functionality. When the kidneys are unable to get rid of it through urine, it enters the bloodstream.

Avoid organ meat, fish, mutton, pork, turkey, and other red meat sources. Vegetables such as cauliflower and mushrooms also contain high levels of purines. Green peas and dried beans should also be eliminated from the diet to stay on the safer side.

2. Avoid Sugar:

High levels of sugars in the body can make your uric acid levels peak in multiple ways. Consumption of large amount of fructose and sucrose-rich foods can lead to diabetes, which has the ability to make the condition worse. Processed and refined foods contain fructose, which has been considered as the reason for high uric acid levels by various research-based studies.

Have a watchful eye for sugary drinks such as sodas, canned juices and even fresh fruit juices. They are infused with glucose and fructose-containing sugars, which can lead to higher blood sugar, and simultaneously high uric acid.

3. Lose Weight:
Excess fat in the body can also contribute to higher levels of uric acid. Body cells make uric acid as waste products. This amount is higher in fat cells than muscle cells. That is why, excessive fat can lead to higher uric acid levels in the body.

Additionally, the kidneys of an obese person do not work as efficiently as a healthy person. This results in inefficient cleansing of this by-product from the body. Avoid fat diets if you are overweight.

Connect with a nutritionist to have the most appropriate diet plan for your condition. It is also not recommended to go on crash diets and lose a lot of weight in a few weeks. Sudden reduction in weight is also not good and can result in higher uric acid.

4. Eat More Fibre:

Fiber aids the excretory system in getting rid of uric acid. It helps to keep your blood sugar under control, avoiding low insulin levels. A fiber-rich diet including oats, nuts, barley, vegetables, and fruits makes you feel full for a long time. You will not get sudden food cravings or end up eating and gaining weight.

To sum things up, high uric acid levels are concerning. It is something that should not be ignored. Visit your doctor to unravel the underlying cause of this problem, and have it treated. If you are looking for a consultant physician for this concern, visit Dr Fowad at Medline American Consultants. We have a network of highly professional and experienced specialists and consultants who offer excellent medical assistance at affordable rates.


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