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Different Types of Diabetes & How they Work

Diabetes is, unfortunately, a very common disease. In the US, over 34 million people are thought to have some form of diabetes, which makes it a very common sort of thing to have. And with diabetes being such common talk, you will have most likely heard about the general symptoms and types. But if you don’t have in-depth knowledge about the disease and you are trying to understand what it actually means to have diabetes, then this blog is for you. It is also highly recommended that if you or someone you know has diabetes or might have diabetes, then you should surely go to a diabetes consultant.

Read on:

The 3 Types of Diabetes
1. Type – 1 Diabetes
You might think type 1 diabetes is the most common form of the disease known as diabetes mellitus, but it’s not. Still, it is a condition that you should be aware of. It used to be known as ‘juvenile diabetes’ and is usually found in children and teens. There are also cases where it is found in young adults, but those cases are rare in comparison. Of all the people with diabetes, only 5-10% of them are known to have type 1 diabetes, making this type pretty uncommon.

The way type 1 diabetes works are pretty typical. When the insulin production rate of the pancreas is reduced, then it drastically affects the ability of glucose to enter cells in the human body. This, as you might know, leads to a build-up of glucose in the bloodstream. And when that happens, the blood sugar is raised, and conventional symptoms of diabetes occur.

To this day, doctors aren’t really sure about what is the main cause of type 1 diabetes and why it is triggered in children, teens, and young adults specifically. And unlike type 2 diabetes, there is no known way to prevent it either. It can only be managed by regular doses of insulin into the bloodstream.
2. Type – 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is, by far, the most common type of diabetes to occur. Of all those known to be diabetic in the US, 90% of them are said to have type 2 diabetes. Though type 2 diabetes is most common in people above the ages of 45, there are many cases where younger people have developed it too.

Type 2 diabetes is pretty similar to type 1 diabetes in the sense that people with the condition have raised blood sugar levels. But the main distinction between the two types is that in type 2 diabetes, the body of the person with this type of diabetes can produce near the appropriate amount of insulin required, but their cells are not able to appropriately utilize the insulin being produced, which can become the main problem.

Also, unlike type 1 diabetes, we know why type 2 diabetes occurs most of the time. It can be due to a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, excessive eating, age, even ethnicity, and genetics can play a factor in type 2 diabetes.

That is why it is said that type 2 diabetes is largely manageable as long as people keep the above factors in mind and keep them under control.
3. Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes is known to occur in women that are going through their period of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is considered rare as a whole and considered uncommon in pregnant women too, but it occurs enough that it needs to be addressed.

Why gestational diabetes occurs is currently unknown, but how it works is that during the gestation period, there is a hormone that is produced by the placenta that can inhibit the ability of insulin to be effective. This reduced effectiveness of the insulin being produced can lead to a build-up of glucose in the bloodstream, which can lead to conventional diabetes symptoms.

What makes gestational diabetes so complicated is that the symptoms of this condition are closely related to those that women already suffer during pregnancy anyway. That is why this kind of diabetes can go undetected and lead to complications further down the line.

If you are considering going to a diabetes clinic, then your main consideration should be Dr. Fowad’s clinic. Contact us today and book a consultation for your diabetes diagnosis.


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