Who do you call first if you have a medical emergency, such as severe flu symptoms, persistent back pain, an unusual rash, or perhaps even COVID-19? In such medical situations, a family physician consultant is the best option.
There are several exceptions, such as medical crises. If you have a sort of medical emergency, then visiting the emergency room is justifiable. But there are a lot of people who end up using an urgent care or the ER as their main source of care in case of any medical problem. It’s one of many reasons why, despite spending more on healthcare than everyone else, we nevertheless have poor health outcomes.
This is why using primary care physicians, such as family doctors, can help. Here are some of the benefits of consulting a family doctor for your medical needs.
1. They Follow Your Life Cycle.
Family Doctors treat toddlers, care for teens, and diagnose people in their 20s. Not only that but they are also known to care for middle-aged adults, retirees, and even people who are well into their 90s. So pretty much they are an expert of all ages and many of them treat the same patients for years and even decades. Plus, since they are equipped to treat a variety of conditions, they can easily be your primary source of care at any age. Through this, you can build a lasting relationship with your family doctor, which will ultimately help them understand you and your medical conditions better.
2. They Know Your Personal And Family History
When doctors care for you for years, they get intimately familiar with your medical history. This allows them to make accurate diagnoses, look for medication red flags, and track changes in your health over time. So, if you and your family choose to go to a physician upon encountering a medical problem, they would know how to treat you because you have been going to them for years and they know your medical history.
Medical history is only a small part of the puzzle. It’s also useful to be aware of what’s going on at home. For example, when analysing stress and anxiety in a child whose parent has recently lost a job, that knowledge comes into play. So, when a doctor treats you and your family for years, they get to know your medical and family history very thoroughly.
3. They Are Capable Of Treating More Than You Think
Yes, your family doctors are technically the ones who do your yearly check-up. Other than that, they can also aid in the management of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. They can help with acute problems, such as sinus infections and injuries. They can further assist you at any point during your pregnancy.
Family Doctors are also qualified to do small surgeries like draining an abscess or freezing a wart. These are only a few examples; the list could go on and on.
4. They Help Find The Right Specialist For You
Whenever you need a specialist for a more advanced condition, like heart disease, cancer, or any other serious concern, a consultant family physician can help you find ones that fit your specific needs and, of course, your personality.
For example, if a physicianβs patients need to see a cardiologist for their treatment but prefer a more conservative treatment, the physician would only suggest a cardiologist who they know isnβt known for aggressive treatment but rather for a conservative approach.
5. They Can Improve Your Life And Save Money
It is true that using primary care services tend to be a lot cheaper and offer better care. The family doctors give you more time and try to understand you before offering a solution to your problem. On the other hand, if you go to the ER, they will charge you a ton of money for a prescription paper. So, f you think your medical condition can be easily resolved with your family doctor, it is advised that you go there. You will get better treatment and spend a lot less money.
Now, if you are looking for a family doctor for yourself, give Dr Fowad a call. He is a very well-reputed doctor, who has expertise in vast medical conditions. This way you can get the best medical treatment without worrying about footing a huge hospital bill. So, shoot him an email at info@drfowad.com and let go of all your medical worries.