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3 Great Tips to Help Your High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is called the ‘silent killer.’ And as such, if you have chronic high blood pressure, then you are well within your rights to be concerned. Many people suffer from high blood pressure, and though the condition might not present any notable symptoms itself, it can still lead to severe complications and even death if not taken care of. This is because it can lead to stroke or even a heart attack. Both of which are things that everyone would avoid as much as possible.
But as frightening as that concept might seem, you should also know that high blood pressure is very manageable and, if you keep things under control, then you will have little to no risk of befalling the fates mentioned above. As responsible doctors and BP specialists from Dr. Fowad, we have written this blog to raise awareness about high blood pressure and how three simple practices can keep you healthy and away from the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Read on:
1. Know your numbers.
Keeping your BP in check is, by far, the most important thing. There are blood pressure cuffs available that you can wear on your arm that, when your blood pressure reaches a dangerous level, alert you about it. But it is also recommended to keep a separate blood pressure monitor at home or at the office to keep an accurate measurement of your BP at all times.
2. Treat the cause of your high blood pressure.
The best way to avoid any risk of stroke or heart attack is to get rid of the issues with your blood pressure from the get-go. There are many factors that can cause you to have high blood pressure. And if you get these factors under control, or remove them completely, then it can help your cardiovascular health immensely.
Change your sedentary lifestyle – Exercise is scientifically and medically proven to have helped people with their cardiovascular health and reduce the need for medication.
Avoid highly processed food – Processed foods often contain incredibly high levels of fat, sugar, and, most importantly, sodium. So, eliminate processed foods in your diet as much as you can.
Work to reduce weight – Losing weight, especially fat levels in your body, can lead to lower blood pressure.
Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption – Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to increase blood pressure by a big margin.
3. Take your medications
Many people are of the opinion that they don’t need medication. Or that it could lead to harsh side effects. Or they simply avoid medications because they don’t like taking them. But the reality is medications help a lot. They are specifically designed for the purpose of helping you with your high blood pressure issues.
Medications are especially important if you’ve done all you can to improve your health from a diet and exercise perspective, but you still have high blood pressure. Not taking your medications at that point can put you at an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, or worse.
High blood pressure itself might not cause symptoms. But the effects it can have on your health, in the long run, can de harsh. You can’t completely control your health, but you can make sure that you preserve it as much as possible so that you live a long and healthy life. The above steps are essential to that.
Dr. Fowad are the best blood pressure consultants around, so if you are looking for further guidance on how to handle this condition, you should book an appointment with us today!


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